YouTube Subscriptions Sorting Tool
This section of the website is "beta" code - and still under development.
We welcome problem reports or suggestions for improvement - please send us a
message at .
Disclaimer: This tool is currently VERY slow.
Channels with hundreds of subscriptions could take
several minutes or more to retrieve.
Channel name:
What does the Subscription Sorting Tool do?
This tool provides detailed about all of the subscriptions on any YouTube channel.
Once retrieved, the list of subscriptions can be sorted by channel title,
channel status (active or closed/suspended), number of videos, number of favorites, number of
subscriptions, number of subscribers and number of playlists.
Why would I use this tool on someone else's channel?
Once you stumble across an interesting channel of someone with similar interests,
use the tool to find other channels you might like.
Why would I ever use this tool on my own channel?
Channel owners will find it interesting to see summmary information about their subscriptions
all in one place.